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We accept most insurances

Dr Singh’s patient sharing his experience at Primary care associates of Texas, Burleson

Listen to our patients


Same day appointments available.


We offer telehealth consults to make our patients lives easier.


We accept most insurances

Lab services

Phlebotomy services for quick results and enhanced care.

Patient focused care

Our clinic was founded on a simple principle: Serve our local community to the best of our ability. We are committed to our patients, and we understand that they place their trust in our team. We always respect this fact. Our doctors are well aware of how difficult it can be to navigate through the bureaucracy of the health care world. This is why we make this aspect of your care at Primary Care Associates of Texas as simple and painless as possible with our patient portal.
What sets Primary Care Associates of Texas apart from the rest?

About Primary Care Associates of Texas

Fort Worth-Downtown, Fort Worth-Alliance, Burleson

Working with a primary care physician is more than just going in for a common cold. It’s being an integral part of a team that knows you, understands you, and takes the time to develop a history with you. That is why Primary Care Associates of Texas offers comprehensive care to fit your individual needs.

Our modern facilities and trained doctors are committed to your health and well-being. We offer multiple services including wellness care, medication management, disease management, and acute care. At Primary Care Associates of Texas, we realize that every patient is unique; therefore we spend the time to customize your care to best fit your individual health needs.

We are here for you when you need it most

Our Providers

At Primary Care Associates of Texas, all of our physicians are board certified in internal medicine and family medicine, making them fully dedicated to providing superb health care for our patients and their families. 

Our Locations

Fort Worth-Downtown

909 9th Avenue, suite 400 Fort Worth, TX 76104.

Fort Worth-Alliance

3848 N. Tarrant Pkwy, Ste 160 Fort Worth, TX 76244

What our patients have to say